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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


12/2 SFMS Webinar: The First Thousand Days: Chemical Exposure in Early Life and Beyond

Participate in a webinar on December 2, 2014 to hear from a distinguished multidisciplinary roster of contributors to a new CHE-themed San Francisco Medicine issue on environmental health. The authors will summarize their pieces on early life exposures, reproductive health issues, cancer and chemical mixtures, climate change and health, agriculture and the microbiome, and more.

Adi Price, MD: SFMS October 2014 Member of the Month

Adi was born and raised in San Francisco, California. He left home to complete his undergraduate studies at Georgetown University, during which he spent time living abroad in Ecuador and Spain. After university he worked in real estate finance and business for 3 years before deciding to complete a post-baccalaureate degree and medical school at University of California, San Diego, where he was a student representative to the local medical society.

SFMS, Community and Education Leaders Highlight Negative Health Effects of Soda and Sugary Beverages

Health, education, and community leaders met at the Chinatown YMCA to discuss Proposition E, San Francisco’s proposed soda tax. Research shows that Prop E will reduce consumption of soda and sugary beverages up to 31%; it will also fund up to $54 million for nutrition, health and active recreation programs.
