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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

Adi Price, MD: SFMS October 2014 Member of the Month

Adi was born and raised in San Francisco, California. He left home to complete his undergraduate studies at Georgetown University, during which he spent time living abroad in Ecuador and Spain. After university he worked in real estate finance and business for 3 years before deciding to complete a post-baccalaureate degree and medical school at University of California, San Diego, where he was a student representative to the local medical society.

He completed his intern year at Kaiser San Francisco, and is now a Radiology resident at UCSF.

Why are you an SFMS member?
I’m an SFMS member because as physicians, we are in a unique position to understand health care issues, and to help make our patient’s lives better. When we work in hospitals or offices we impact one patient at a time, but when thousands of physicians speak as one voice to inform and influence the policy debate, we affect millions.

What SFMS member resource is most helpful to you?

At this early stage in my career, I appreciate SFMS giving me the ability to network with other smart, caring and proactive physicians across specialties.

What is the most important thing you learned in medical school and residency?
Through interacting with people who are seriously ill or dying, I have gained a new appreciation for what’s most important in life.

What do you like to do when you're not at work?
I love to go for long rides on my road bike, pretend to be a chef, and enjoy the great outdoors!

What are some of the biggest opportunities or challenges you see in health care within the next five years?

Shaping how the new healthcare legislation is implemented is our biggest challenge. If we can speak with one voice, we will be able to influence policymakers to pass better public health legislation, and we will be able to create a system where we can deliver the highest quality, least expensive care to the most people.

What do you love most about practicing radiology?
To say I “practice” Radiology just months into my training is a stretch. Right now I’m most enjoying cracking open my Netter’s and relearning anatomy!

What is your favorite restaurant in San Francisco?

The Shanghai Dumpling King in the Outer Richmond is my favorite. It’s vintage San Francisco: a hole in the wall with exotic, authentic, top notch food.

If you weren't a physician, what profession would you like to try?
I would try my hand at being a high school science teacher.

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