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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


SFMS/CMA File Amicus Brief in MICRA Constitutionality Case

SFMS/CMA, along with the California Dental Association, the California Hospital Association, and the American Medical Association, filed an amicus brief with the California Court of Appeal defending the constitutionality of our state’s landmark Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act.

MICRA Under Attack; Changing/Overturning MICRA Impedes Access to Health Care for Californians

In early May, California’s trial attorneys launched an all-out assault on California's historic tort reform law, which since 1975 has helped keep malpractice premiums in-check and ensured that California’s patients have access to affordable health care.

SFMS/CMA asks California Supreme Court to Depublish Case that Ignores MICRA's Definition of Professional Negligence

SFMS and the California Medical Association, together with other amici, has asked the California Supreme Court to depublish an appellate court opinion that thwarts the long-standing definition of "professional negligence" in California's Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act. The ruling, if allowed to stand as precedent for future cases, could be misused to undermine the goals of MICRA and adversely affect the entirety of the health care system and safety net in California.
