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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


CMA Files an Amicus Brief in Case that Threatens to Circumvent MICRA

The California Medical Association (CMA), with the support of the American Medical Association (AMA) Litigation Center, has filed a brief with the California Supreme Court in an important case that draws the line between medical malpractice and elder abuse claims, Winn v. Pioneer Medical Group. In the brief, CMA and AMA explain why the appellate court decision, if left standing, would eviscerate the long-standing protections and effective purpose of California’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA).

SFMS Physicians Descend on Sacramento to Advocate for a Package of Bills to Increase Access to Health Care

A dedicated group of 30 SFMS physicians and medical students joined more than 400 of their colleagues on April 22 to bring the voice of medicine to legislators during the CMA annual Legislative Leadership Conference.

SGR Repeal Gaining Momentum; 3/5 National Call to Action

Congress is closer than ever before to enacting legislation that would permanently repeal the Medicare sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula. San Francisco physicians are asked to contact members of Congress today to urge them to act on this vitally important legislation and repeal the SGR.
