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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


AB 72 Wrongly Rewards Health Insurance Plans for Carrying Inadequate Networks; Action Requested from Physicians

AB 72 (Bonta) would hamper physicians’ ability to effectively negotiate fair rates with health insurance plans by setting out-of-network payments at a statutory default rate. Your legislators need to hear from physicians now! SFMS asks that physicians and their colleagues CALL, EMAIL or FAX your legislators, and urge them to oppose AB 72 unless amended!

Assembly Panel Rejects Nurse Practitioners' Scope-of-Practice Bill; Optometry Bill to be Heard Next Week

Legislative alert: Contact Asm. Phil Ting to urge a NO vote on SB 622, bill to allow optometrists to perform scalpel and laser surgeries, administer immunizations, and perform or order laboratory and diagnostic imaging tests with minimal education and training.

SFMS/CMA Lead Resounding Victory in Defeating Prop. 46 by 2 to 1 Margin

On November 4, the voters of California spoke loudly and definitively, sending the trial lawyers’ Proposition 46 to defeat by a 2 to 1 margin. The message is clear—Californians simply don’t want to increase health care costs and reduce health access so trial attorneys can file more lawsuits.
