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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

SFMMS Monthly Wellness Blog: April is for Authenticity

As the SFMMS Wellness Committee continues our monthly blog series, this April, we would like to focus on authenticity. Read, listen, and attend the resources the committee has curated below for SFMMS members. If you have questions, comments, or a resource you would like to share, please contact Molly Baldridge, Director of Engagement at 

"It is important to take time for yourself to regroup, reground and refocus on what you need." - SFMMS Member

April Resources:

Read: A blog by Dr. Jessie Mahoney, SFMMS Wellness Committee Chair, "Are You Done with Token Wellness Offerings?" CLICK HERE. Also, read our most popular recommended book club book "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande

Listen: The Mindful Healers Podcast, "Loving Awareness In Action - The Science of Social Justice with Dr. Sará King" hosted by Dr. Jessie Mahoney and Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang CLICK HERE

Attend: Last chance to enter our SFMMS raffle for Honoring Diastole Mindful Retreat. CLICK HERE

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