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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

MICRA Lawsuit Measure Assigned Proposition Number

The unprecedentedly broad and diverse coalition working to defeat the trial lawyers’ MICRA lawsuit measure is now officially the “No On 46” campaign, following the assignment of proposition numbers to qualified ballot measures by the Secretary of State’s Office on Monday.

If approved by voters, Proposition 46 would increase health costs, reduce access to care and threaten patient privacy, all to make it easier and more profitable for lawyers to sue doctors and hospitals. In addition to increasing the overall number of medical lawsuits and the cost of health care across the board, Proposition 46 contains a number of unrelated provisions designed to mislead and deceive voters – including a little-discussed mandate relying on a massive expansion of a government-run prescription drug database, which third-party analysts say cannot be implemented as written and will leave personal medical information vulnerable to privacy breach.

For these reasons, CMA/SFMS, health providers, education groups, labor unions, business organizations, working men and women, and community clinics have all announced their opposition to Proposition 46.

According to California’s independent Legislative Analyst, the proposed measure could increase state and local government health costs by “hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

For a complete list of “No On 46” campaign supporters, or for more information on the negative impact of Proposition 46 on Californians, please visit the campaign website,

Click here to contribute to the MICRA Protection Fund today.

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