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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

September 16, 2013 — Are You Prepared for Medicare MAC Transition?

SFMS/CMA has put together the following resources to prepare member physicians and their staffs for the transition of Medicare contractors (Part B) from Palmetto to Noridian on September 16, 2013.

  1. Medicare Transition Webpage: CMA’s dedicated Medicare transition webpage offers the latest news and updates regarding the transition in one easy-to-access to location.
  2. Medicare Transition Guide: What Physicians Need to Know: This guide includes an FAQ that includes information on the transition dates, what will remain the same with the transition and what will change, Noridian’s online provider portal, what practices can do to prepare for the transition, and links to additional resources and way to stay apprised of new information on the transition.
  3. Noridian Q&A Webinar: An on-demand webinar is available to all SFMS/CMA members interested in learning more about the upcoming changes, early boarding for EDI, and available resources. This session is presented by Noridian especially for SFMS/CMA members. Please note you will need log into the CMA website to access the webinar.  
  4. One-On-One Member-Only Assistance from Reimbursement Experts through CMA’s Center for Economic Services by contacting (888) 401-5911.
  5. Noridian’s Transition Website lists information physicians will need up to and following the transition.

Additional Medicare-Related Resources

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