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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

March For Our Lives

Tomorrow, March 24, student survivors from Parkland and other communities will host marches across the country and the March for Our Lives in Washington, DC to speak out against gun violence. The children and teenagers across the country impacted by the daily toll of gun violence and by recent mass shootings have been leading the way for the rest of us.

Pediatricians know that gun violence is a public health emergency and should be treated as such. During AAP’s Annual Leadership Forum, over 45 videos of pediatricians speaking up against gun violence were made. You can see the playlist here:

Here are three ways you can engage in our efforts right now.

1.) Participate in March 24 Day of Action. Attend the march in Washington, DC or cities across the country.

    • If you are in DC, stop by the AAP's office before or after you march. Email for details.

    • If you participate in a local event, take photos and videos and send them to us at

    2.) Share your message in the media and on social media.

      • Sample social media:

        3.) Tell Congress to act now to keep children safe. Between now and March 24, urge your federal legislators to fund federal gun violence prevention research, raise the age limit for purchasing assault weapons and keep these weapons off the streets. Learn more and take action here.

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