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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

SFMS Letter to the Editor on Sodium Consumption

The San Francisco Examiner printed a letter from SFMS President Peter Curran, MD in January 8, 2012's Letter to the Editor.


The Examiner recently printed an "advertising feature" claiming that warnings about the dangers of over-consuming salt and sodium are overstated. While this was a salt industry-sponsored piece, we are concerned that many readers may not note that it was advertising - and also dangerously misleading. Overwhelming evidence is that many Americans consume far too much sodium, with unhealthy results in terms of elevated blood pressure and other cardiac problems. Much of this salt is found in processed and restaurant foods, particularly at "fast food" eateries, but it's also a problem at home. Your own columnists Drs. Oz and Roizen debunked claims about salt being harmless in December. So we urge all readers to take the salt industry's message that we need even more of this substance with a grain of...something else. Cutting your sodium intake remains an important and healthy message. Peter Curran, MD Cardiologist and President San Francisco Medical Society

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