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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

Governor Brown Signs AB 589 to Create Medical School Scholarship Program

Today, Governor Browns signed AB 589 (Perea), which will create a medical school scholarship program for students, helping to increase the physician workforce throughout California.

AB 589 establishes within the Health Professions Education Foundation, the Steven M. Thompson Medical School Scholarship Program (STMSSP). This program would provide up to $105,000 in scholarships to selected participants who agree to serve a minimum of 3 years in an eligible setting upon attaining full licensure.

Eligible settings are either federally designated “medically underserved areas” or areas of the state where unmet priority needs for physicians exist as determined by the California Healthcare Workforce Policy Commission.

Of California’s 58 counties, 42 are below the federal standard for primary care physician supply, and 48 have at least one region designated as a Health Professional Shortage Area. In addition, there are over 200 distinct areas in California federally designated as medically underserved.

AB 589 addresses this growing concern by recruiting medical students to work in these areas at the completion of their training, giving preference to students pursuing careers in primary care.

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