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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

AMA Adopts First 2011 Policy from SFMS Regarding "Crisis Pregnancy Centers"

At their interim meeting last week, the American Medical Association (AMA) adopted an SFMS resolution regarding the controversial issue "crisis pregnancy center" and the (lack of) service it provided. This issue has been debated locally and the resolution, authored by SFMS delegate Leslie Lopato, MD, and staff member Steve Heilig, MPH, was adopted by the CMA House of Delegates in October. The AMA policy states:
  1. AMA supports regulations that require any entity offering crisis pregnancy services to disclose information onsite, in its advertising, and before any services are provided concerning the medical services, contraception, termination of pregnancy or referral for services, adoption options or referral for such services; and,
  2. AMA advocates for any entity providing medical or health services to pregnant women who market medical or any clinical services need to abide by licensing requirements and have the appropriate qualified licensed personnel to do so and abide by federal health information privacy laws.

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