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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

Breakthroughs in Healthcare Equity Symposium

The Breakthroughs in Healthcare Equity Symposium: Creating Patient, Clinician, & Technology Networks is an educational symposium focusing specifically on the development of a collaborative diversity and inclusion healthcare network to solve the challenges surrounding the delivery of quality healthcare to underserved and vulnerable patient groups. The goal of establishing this network is to connect patients, clinicians, researchers, and industry professionals who are passionate about healthcare equity and serving underserved patient populations, specifically racial and ethnic minorities, women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) persons, and vulnerable patient populations of lower socioeconomic status. The educational symposium focuses specifically on the latest trends, challenges, opportunities, and best practices of implementing strategies and tactics to make healthcare and the life sciences more equitable, as well as understand how to better serve diverse patient groups. Attendees will learn the newest insights and ideas, discuss practical solutions, and meet new industry and marketplace colleagues. The symposium, which takes place in San Francisco on 2/8/18, will feature keynote speakers, educational panel discussions, breakout sessions, and networking.

Event Details:

Thursday, 2/8/2018
8:00AM - 4:00PM PST
San Francisco, CA, USA

Click to Register!

CHI Event Page

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