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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

2013 SFMS Election Results

Thank you all SFMS members who have participated in this year's SFMS election. We are proud to announce the SFMS leadership for 2014.

2014 Officers (one-year term):

President – Lawrence Cheung, MD (2013 President-Elect automatically succeed to the office of President)

Immediate Past President - Shannon Udovic-Constant, MD (2013 President automatically succeed to the office of Immediate Past President)

President-Elect - Roger S. Eng, MD

Secretary – Richard A. Podolin, MD

Treasurer – Man-Kit Leung, MD

Editor - Gordon L. Fung, MD

Board of Directors (seven elected for three-year term, 2014-2016):

Benjamin C. K. Lau, MD

Ingrid T. Lim, MD

Keith E. Loring, MD

Ryan Padrez, MD

Adam Schickedanz, MD

Rachel H. Shu, MD

Paul J. Turek, MD

Nominations Committee (four elected for two-year term, 2014-2015):

James L. Chen, MD

Patricia J. Galamba, MD

Vanessa Kenyon, MD

Amy E. Whittle, MD

SFMS Delegation to CMA House of Delegates (Two-year term, 2014-2015):


Ameena T. Ahmed, MD

Roger S. Eng, MD (serves automatically as President-Elect)

George A. Fouras, MD

Katherine E. Herz, MD

David Pating, MD


Brittany Blockman, MD

Keith E. Loring, MD

Richard A. Podolin, MD

Judy Silverman, MD

Elizabeth K. Ziemann, MD

Young Physician Section Delegate (two-year term, 2014-2015): Stephanie Oltmann, MD

AMA Delegate (two-year term, 2014-2015): Robert J. Margolin, MD 

AMA Alternate Delegate (two-year term, 2014-2015): Gordon L. Fung, MD

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