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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


Reminder for Large Practices (100+ Physicians): 10/18 Deadline to Avoid Medicare Payment Cut

Several hundred large group practices are in danger of having all Medicare payments cut by 1% in 2015 unless they act now to sign up for group participation in PQRS. CMS has extended the deadline to register in Administrative Claims from 10/15 to 10/18. AMA and organized medicine are continuing to advocate for a longer extension, but it may not happen due to the government shutdown.

HPSA Bonus Overpayment Refund Requests

SFMS/CMA has learned that the zip code files provided to the Medicare contractors for the calendar year 2012 contained errors that incorrectly identified some zip codes as eligible for the HPSA bonus. Physicians are now receiving Overpayment Refund Request letters from Palmetto asking for the monies to be returned within 30 days.

Updated Payor Profiles Now Available on CMANET.ORG

CMA’s Center for Economic Services has published updated profiles on each of the major payors in California including Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California, CIGNA, Health Net, United Healthcare, Medicare/Palmetto and Medi-Cal. Each profile includes key information on health plan market penetration, a description of the plan’s dispute resolution process and the name and contact numbers for medical directors, provider relations and other key contacts.
