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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


Health Advisory: National Increase in Reports of Suspected Acute Flaccid Myelitis Cases

Nationally, from January 1 through October 16, 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported 62 confirmed cases of AFM in patients from 22 U.S. states. An additional 65 suspected cases are still under investigation at CDC. During this same time period, five suspected AFM cases have been reported to CDPH. One suspected case has been ruled out and four suspected cases remain under investigation; none have yet been confirmed.

Influenza A (H1N2) Variant Virus Confirmed in California Residents with Exposure to an Infected Pig at a Fair

Two cases of influenza A (H1N2) variant virus infection have been laboratory-confirmed in persons who had pig exposure at the California Mid-State Fair, which occurred in Paso Robles, CA during July 17–29. Influenza A (H1N2) was also detected in a pig at the fair.

A California Appeals Court On Friday Reinstated a Law Allowing Terminally Ill Patients to End Their Lives

The ruling by the 4th District Court of Appeal allows the controversial law known as the End of Life Option Act to remain in effect, giving patients who have less than six months to live access to lethal medications from their doctors.
