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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


What Happens When You Can’t Find a Skilled Doctor to Do a D&E

Jennifer Gunter, MD’s post in the popular KevinMD blog is shared here as it is very much in line with a long SFMS tradition of advancing reproductive health and rights. The SFMS has provided educational advocacy on this topic for medical students nationwide, developed early policy for the AMA on legalization and use of medical abortion, not only by physicians but by trained nurse practitioners, advocated for contraception as a full benefit under the ACA when that was under attack, and much more. We applaud our member Dr. Gunter’s informed and compassionate words on this topic when these services and rights are under renewed attack around the nation.

Part 2: Communicating Unanticipated Adverse Outcomes; How Do I Say I'm Sorry?

Confused about discussions related to disclosure of unexpected adverse outcomes, apology versus sympathy, early resolution of injury-related complaints, and how to avoid unnecessary liability risks? You’re not alone. SFMS has partnered with the Medical Insurance Exchange of California (MIEC) to launch a two-part blog post series to assist physicians handle potentially difficult circumstances with compassion, truthfulness and candor.

Communicating Unanticipated Adverse Outcomes; How Do I Say I'm Sorry?

Confused about discussions related to disclosure of unexpected adverse outcomes, apology versus sympathy, early resolution of injury-related complaints, and how to avoid unnecessary liability risks? You’re not alone. SFMS has partnered with the Medical Insurance Exchange of California (MIEC) to launch a two-part blog post series to assist physicians handle potentially difficult circumstances with compassion, truthfulness and candor.
