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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


Update on Senate Health Reform Bill and AMA Polling Results

The American Medical Association(AMA) released the results of seven public opinion polls of registered voters in states that will be pivotal in determining the outcome of pending health reform legislation in the Senate (Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia). Six of the seven polls were conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, which is the firm that conducts polls for the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. The West Virginia poll was conducted by Jan van Lohuizen.

Act Now! Assembly and Senate Budget Committees Reject Governor's Budget Proposal

The Assembly and Senate Budget Committees have voted to reject the Governor’s budget proposal! However, each house has introduced different Prop 56 spending proposals that will need to be reconciled in the Legislative Budget Conference Committee.

CMA Federal Health Reform Update

This afternoon, House Republican leaders cancelled the much-anticipated vote on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal and replace legislation – the American Health Care Act (AHCA) – after failing to garner the necessary votes. CMA is urging physician leaders to stay engaged by calling and writing your Member of Congress.
