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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


HOD Urges the AMA to Press on for SGR Repeal

Following robust discussion last week in various caucuses, open forums, and in Reference Committee, the AMA House of Delegates passed an amended version of Resolution 226 regarding repeal of Medicare’s sustainable growth rate (SGR) physician payment update formula.

New Standards Coming January 2014 Can Help Physicians Streamline Payment

Effective January 1, 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will require health insurers to standardize business practices for electronic funds transfers (EFT) and electronic remittance advice (ERA); this new criterion will save physician practices time and money by allowing them to automate the tedious process of matching submitted medical claims with payments from insurers.

SFMS/CMA Joins Amicus Briefs Challenging Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act

On February 28, the SFMS and CMA joined the AMA and dozens of other health care organizations in filing an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court challenging California’s Proposition 8, which denies state recognition of same-sex marriages. Tomorrow, a similar brief will be submitted challenging the Defense of Marriage Act, which denies benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees.
