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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


Call to Action: Urge Congress to Preserve Coverage and Improve Access to Physicians!

The House Republicans' ACA repeal and replace bill – the American Health Care Act (AHCA) – is headed to the House floor for a vote as early as next week. Congressional leadership is aiming to pass the bill before the April spring recess – and they need to hear from you today!

Congressional Budget Office Scoring of American Health Care Act

Late yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released its report providing estimates of the impact the American Health Care Act (AHCA) would have on federal spending, the health insurance market, and the number of Americans with health care coverage. See a summary of the report, as well as the AMA’s statement in response.

AMA says American Health Care Act is Critically Flawed

In a letter to congressional leaders, the AMA today outlined provisions of the American Health Care Act that would have an adverse impact on patients and the health of the nation. Largely due to the decline in health insurance coverage the bill would likely cause, the AMA is unable to support the AHCA as drafted.
