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policy developments, and events

San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


A Message from the SFMMS President in Response to Federal Actions

SFMMS, alongside our partners at the California Medical Association, county medical societies, community benefit organizations, and nonprofits working on health and healthcare issues, remains unwavering in its commitment to support physicians and their patients. As each federal action is announced, we will work in tandem with these partners to understand how it will affect your medical practice. Resources and updates will be shared weekly via all-member communications and in SFMMS’ quarterly journal, San Francisco Marin Medicine, and on our website.

Despite Shortfall, SF Mayor’s Budget Proposal Spares Health Care

Mayor Breed recently released her 2024-25 budget proposal. San Francisco is facing a nearly $800 million shortfall. However, the Mayor’s proposal avoid large cuts to DPH through saved county money as Medi-Cal expands to cover all individuals regardless of immigration status, and no longer needing to support community COVID testing and vaccines, as that is now handled by individual health systems.

SFMMS Advocacy Helps to Produce Historic Tax Reform Proposal in Boon for Small and Solo Medical Practices in San Francisco

Late in 2023, the Office of the Controller Office of Treasurer & Tax Collector for the City and County of San Francisco convened stakeholders for what would become a half-year process to develop a proposed reform of San Francisco’s business tax code. On Monday, May 6th, the final proposal was submitted to San Francisco Mayor London Breed with the intention of qualifying it for the November 2024 ballot. The proposal, if passed into law, would broadly benefit medical practices in San Francisco, and in particular private medical practices with revenue of $5 million or less.
